
The rent of the holiday home is 95 EUR for the first night plus 70 EUR for bed linen and mandatory cleaning fee, means a total of 165 EUR. Each additional night costs only 95 EUR. This price includes 4 persons. For the 5th and 6th person we charge an additional fee of 25 EUR per night/person. Minimum rental period is two nights.

Included in this rental charge are all utilitiy costs for electricity, heating, water and W-Lan.

Please bringh your own face, shower and kitchen towels. But for a fee of 5 EUR each we can provide you with a set of towels (face and shower).

Here you will find our Mietvertrag Trude 44 for “Trude 44” in PDF format. Unfortunatly only in German available. But if you have any questions please contact us. We promise you to be fair and reliable!